The Bodhi Academy of Yoga and Wellness encompasses life coaching & Navigation for Change, certification in FOUNDATIONS OF YOGA (RYT-200) with an emphasis on yoga history and philosophy as well as technical teaching within the study of asana and the benefits of yoga practice, and personal training for mobility, recovery, and longevity. In yoga study we honor the traditional sequences taught as by Bishnu Ghosh and Pattabhi Jois, as well as the valuable structures of Vinyasa Yoga and Yin Yoga. Within our program an individual is equipped to teach any format of yoga with the depth of knowledge of why we do what we do and a complete aptitude of how we do what we do.

Bodhi Academy of Yoga teachings are available virtually and in person. Modules of curriculum are rolled out each month and students set their own pace

Academy founder, Kristin, is also a Reiki Master Teacher and provides opportunity for Reiki study and Level 1 & 2 Attunement once each season, or on an individual basis.